Singing Guide: Jonny Lang

Singing Guide: Jonny Lang

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jonny Lang is an American blues, gospel, and rock singer-songwriter and guitarist, with a powerful and soulful voice. Learning to sing like Jonny Lang requires mastering vocal techniques like vibrato, falsetto, and mixed voice.

To sing like Jonny Lang, one should listen to his famous songs like "Lie to Me," "Red Light," "Still Rainin," and "A Quitter Never Wins. These songs showcase his unique vocal techniques, including smooth, melodic phrases, emotional resonance, and raw power.

To develop these techniques, one should practice vocal exercises like diaphragmatic breathing, relaxing the tongue, neck, and shoulders, and performing warm-ups. Good posture and proper breathing are essential for mixing the chest and head voices, building vibrato, and emotional technical control. Vocal training games, such as ones found in Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool, can strengthen one's voice, tone accuracy, and activate key muscles like the diaphragm.

For further learning, Singing Carrots' online Singing Course offers 21 lessons on essential singing theory, covering breathing, voice registers, diaphragmatic support, vibrato, and resonance, along with practical tips for finding one's authentic voice and stage presence.

Useful articles on Singing Carrots that can help you on your Jonny Lang singing journey include How to Analyze Your Voice, Breathing Basics, Voice Registers and Vocal Break, Articulation, and How Posture Affects Your Singing.

In addition, Singing Carrots' Artist Vocal Ranges tool includes Jonny Lang, giving you insights into his vocal range.

Linked below, you will find some of Singing Carrots' videos that provide practical advice for singers, such as singing with vibrato, practicing chest voice, vocal warm-ups and breathing exercises, and posture.

To access Singing Carrots' many further resources, visit the homepage.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.